Фотографии до и после операции по имплантации

 Full frontal view of after periodontal plastic surgery to restore gums
 X-ray photo of single dental implant procedure
 Completed top row of teeth after surgery

Before & After Single Implant (Click on image to enlarge)

 Image of patient before treatment with braces and missing teeth
 Image of patient after treatment with braces and missing teeth

 Close up of top row patient teeth after implant surgery
 Two x-ray images of single tooth implant surgery success
 Before image of patient with braces and missing teeth

Before & After Two Incisor Implants (Click on image to enlarge)

 After image of patient once braces are removed
 X-ray image of planning for Implant Surgery
 Full view of patient's teeth prior to implant surgery treatment
 Single tooth implant x-ray image

 Completed results after implant surgery for female patient
 Inversed front two teeth positioning

Before failing tooth with infection

 Before implant surgery, two missing front teeth
 After implant surgery, two missing front teeth

 Example of completed implant surgery, x-ray view
 Example of completed implant surgery, x-ray alternate view

Completed treatment after implant surgery

Before patient missing two front teeth 17 years After Implant Placement with Gum Grafting

 Before with braces
 After with braces

 Before with braces with visible gum loss
 After braces off and gum restoration

Before patient was missing two front teeth with bone and gum loss 7 years After Implant Placement with bone and gum grafting